Yoga and Diet Consultants

Health of an individual necessarily doesn't depend only on medication but it is a combination of Good lifestyle, Diet and physical activity which is emphasized in the best possible way in Dr.S. Dhanvanthri Premvel's Dhanvanthri Nilayam Ayurveda vaidyasalai Yoga &Diet consultation center.

Yoga is as ancient as Ayurveda and more effective as the modern exercises to this day.Yoga brings an equilibrium of mind body and soul helping in reaching the ultimate aim of growing healthy physically mentally and spiritually and not merely absence of diseases as such.

The centre offers condition and individual specific therapeutic Yoga sessions for both IP and OP wards.

Expert and qualified Doctors and therapist suggest Yoga exercises ,breathing procedures and meditation in accordance to the individual or a group.

Further as mentioned earlier,medicine alone doesn't heal any diseaese.It needs to combined with proper diet for increased efficiency.

Here in our Diet consultation center,expert diet consultation,recipes for specific diseasee are offered with fullest care and concern.

Even at times only Diet is suggested for many conditions where medicines might not be effective as such.

Care patience and expertise consultations are prioritised to every individual in need who arrive at our place.